Our Robots

Der Roboter steht bei unserer Arbeit im Mittelpunkt. Mit ihm nehmen wir an der FIRST® Tech Challange teil. Dafür muss er robust sein, um bei Kollisionen mit anderen Robotern und dem Tragen von kleinen Lasten zuverlässig zu funktionieren. Die Software spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle, vor allem während der autonomen Phase zu Beginn eines Matches. Währenddessen muss der Roboter vollkommen selbstständig bestimmte Aufgaben erledigen. Die Bedingungen sind dabei nie exakt gleich und somit kommt es immer zu unvorhergesehenen Problemen.

In jeder Season der Tech Challenges gibt es neue Anforderungen an den Roboter. Deshalb müssen wir jedes Jahr einen neuen Prototypen entwerfen, den wir dann im Laufe der Zeit prüfen und verbessern. Bestimmte Komponenten bleiben dabei jedoch gleich, z. B. die Steuerung über Handys.

The latest Robot was build on the IdeenExpo 2019. The IdeenExpo is one of europes biggest youth and technology fairs. THe Robot was build with kids during a daily workshop. As many of them were very unexpreienced with building robots, the overall desing is quite simplistic.

Our Robot in 2018/2019. The main focus of this model is the arm. He can be tilted ans is retractable. On top of him is the collector located. With both of them in combination we can easily collect and sort the different minarals. Th drivetrain is focused on omnidirectional driving, which enables us to drive in every direction.

The final Robot of 2017/2018 is, besides the capabilities of the prototype, focused on improving the overall structural integrety. Also it utilizes an arm based on sturdy metall rails. In addition to that, the servos were improved.

The Prototype 2017/2018 can lift so called "Glyphs" (baisically foam cubes) and but them into a rack. Additionally he can pick up and move "Relics" (a small yello plastic figure) with his wooden arm and place them outside the playing field.

The Modell 2016/2017 collects small balls and shoots them in to a basket. Another mechanism presses buttons at the field perimeter. In the End he should place the large ball on top of the basket.

Our first drivetrain concept  is the base of all our future Robots. While constructing it, we learned many basic skills, which helpedmus in the coming years.